On May 21, 2020, Martin Aquilina, COO and head of the International Law department at HazloLaw, attended the “Table-ronde: Agents de spectacles et diffuseurs : des contrats à réécrire”, presented via Zoom. The discussion pertained to force majeure in the current COVID-19 context and the legal effects on the relationship between artists and promoters. It sought to answer: how far can we go in defining contract risks? Who should be insured against what contingencies? What are the financial repercussions, if any, for all involved?
The round table panel brought forward perspectives from notable entertainment agents, managers and programmers. As a lawyer with extensive experience in drafting and negotiating contracts, Martin Aquilina provided insight in answering some of the more pressing questions as to how to deal with force majeure and contractual frustration and drafting appropriate force majeure clauses in order to minimize potential risks during this time.
To watch the round table discussion, click here!