Knowing and understanding the tax implications of your corporate structure is of primary importance when planning for the future.  Clients readily count on HazloLaw – Business Partners to maximize the tax efficiencies of their business structure, whether through general tax planning advice or by obtaining a review of their current structure and shareholdings.  Following our review, we will provide an assessment as to whether it is desirable to reorganize those elements in order to optimize the business’ current and future tax burden. By way of example , business owners and their families will often benefit from the implementation of an estate freeze – a strategy that our lawyers are well versed in – that will lock in the current value and tax liability of a company’s shares with one person (for instance the founder) while passing on the value of the company’s future growth (and the tax liability associated therewith) to another person (such as the founder’s children).

Contact the Business Law Lead:

Hugues Boisvert
Tel: (613) 747-2459 x304